Wrong About Everything

Fun episode with special guest (and unidentified woman) Rochelle Westlund!  

-sorry for the late upload.  

Be sure to check out our facebook/twitter fridays at 3:15pm to see our livestream! 

We'd also appreciate it if you'd consider giving to the show's patreon page....it helps pay our bills (not line our pockets) and as a bonus, you get some cool benefits and prizes, including your membership into our “not a dick” hall of fame:  patreon.com/wrongabouteverythingpodcast

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if you need a place to store your money, join the thousands of Minnesotans who have saved money with less fees and lower loan rates by joining a MN Credit Union.  To learn more:  mncun.org

-if you are injured in an accident or due to someone else’s negligence, we strongly recommend looking up the great Michael Bryant at Bradshaw & Bryant:  mnpersonalinjury.com 

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Direct download: WAE_Upload_7-30_final_mixdown.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:51pm CST