Wrong About Everything

The gang mourns the loss of Congress's most persistent Boehner (thanks, Mr. Pope) and discusses man camps, CD2's lack of candidates, and the demise of the Scott Walker presidential campaign. Plus, it turns out Jordan is a real city with an actual city council that Mike is apparently on. Who knew?

Direct download: WAE_092715_fixed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:19pm CST

#72. Clockblocked: The One About Moesha

With Mike Franklin away and thriving, Brian, Carin and Javier were joined by another white guy Republican named Mike, who we promptly renamed. Matt and the gang covered the Big Repubican Debate and whether Carly Fiorina just made sh*t up. Mark thinks Trump could take the whole thing, but the rest of the gang told Millie to just shut up.  In Minnesota news, we all, including Meagan, agreed the racist Columbia Heights school board member is a d-bag who should step down, and we had a #TealGhazi update on the very important issue of exchanging documents in a secluded park.  We tried to convince Moesha to jump into the CD2 race after Mary Pawlenty dropped out.

Direct download: wae20091915.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am CST

The gang embraces #TealGhazi this week as they discuss the recent developments in the story of two Republican legislators caught "exchanging documents" in a parking lot of a local park. They also tackle the Iran deal, Hillary Clinton's apology, panda hatin' zoo keepers, and more.

Direct download: WrongAboutEverything_091215.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:49pm CST

The gang is LIVE at the Great Minnesota Gettogether, and they're joined by a gaggle of guests that includes Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, DFL party chair Ken Martin, GOP party chair Ketih Downey, and the elusive El Donaldo. They also discuss "exchanging documents," KY clerk Kim Davis, and more.

Direct download: WAE_090415.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:44pm CST