Fri, 27 October 2017
Attorney Emma Greenman is in for Javier this week, the gang has a big announcement of other places you might start hearing WAE in addition to the podcast. They talk St. Paul's recent vendetta against mayoral candidate Melvin Carter and the DFL conundrum of supporting working rights of miners and being at odds with the mining companies over environmental protection. They also take time to pay their respects to the departure of Jeff Flake from the senate. They also hedge their bets on the implications of the JFK files being released: the consensus is, Geraldo-Capone safe opening level of disappointment.
Fri, 20 October 2017
The gang discusses the fallout from the military incident in Niger and its political ramifications here at home, trouble in DNC paradise, the mess that is the Minneapolis city council race, political mailer faux pas, and 'Nazi' bike lanes. |
Fri, 13 October 2017
The gang breaks down the New York Times article on Ely, division on the range, jobs, the environment, and Becky. Also, all is well at the White House -- ALL IS WELL!!!!! |
Fri, 6 October 2017
The gang finally gets an answer to the age old question of "Who wants pie?" Turns out, it was Tim Walz! Plus, they also discuss Puerto Rico, the Las Vegas Massacre, and more. |