Wrong About Everything

Brian, Carin and Amy are joined by John Stiles this week, as Javier has 'trash' things to deal with. Amy's theory on coordinated attacks on former majority leaders. Lots of impeachment talk. Carin is calling Fake News on Hillary's, 'Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian Agent' comment, as she was in fact, misquoted. Mittens Romney inspires everybody to out their own secret Twitter accounts. And St. Paul continues to be fine! No, really, just fine. 


Direct download: WAE102319.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:31pm CST

Brian, Amy, and Javier are joined by Lady Lawyer, Emma Greenman. Although she has no interest in representing any of them. Going over the details of Amy getting hit by a car, spoiler alert, she's just fine and getting more press then ever. So how do we feel about the US engaging in a 'passive genocide' in the Middle East? Trump's tweets keep upping the ante in terms of crazy and entertainment, and how the vernacular is perforating its way into our culture. A quick stop on the Klobo-shop after the last debate, can we all agree that Biden is O-V-E-R? And St. Paul is FINE, no thanks to Amy. 

Direct download: WAE101719Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:31pm CST

The gang is all here to dive head first and dissect the Trump rally in Minneapolis, from both perspectives. The tensions were definitely high before, during and after the rally. How the fringe on both sides is becoming increasingly dangerous to us all. The Yang pill is the medicine the right refuses to take. Taking accountability for racism in the Republican party is crucial if they are going to move forward. And the hypocrisy on both sides, enough already.

Direct download: WAE101219MrTrumpGoestoMinneapolis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm CST

The gang is all together and there is much to discuss with the impending investigations that could lead to impeachment. Big concepts get thrown around, and both sides make their case. The wild claims against Elizabeth Warren, that are only helping her cause. Poor Bernie Sanders had a little shpilkes, but should be back just in time for New Hampshire. And in Minnesota news, primaries, primaries, primaries!

Direct download: WAE_100419.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:49pm CST

Diving head first into the impeachment process. What is going to happen, anything, everything? Unpacking the actual motivations of the Bidens, and that they are a symptom of a bigger issue in this country. Al Franken is back in the spotlight and Carin shares a very personal story about male entitlement. Trash Wars with Javier, ya'll need to quit your dumping. And everyone needs to tone it down before things get ugly, or worse, violent. 


Direct download: WAE100119.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:58pm CST