Wrong About Everything

The Gang counts down the Top 11 Wrong About Everything News Stories of 2015 - not necessarily the most important things that happened this years, just the ones we had fun talking about.  What was number one? #TealGhazi #Bakkstabbed #JizzBill? You'll have to listen.

Direct download: 056022529.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:50pm CST

Santa and Tom Cotton are coming to town and Amy Koch is reeeeeeeally excited. She joined the gang in-studio along with Republican otter Jeremey Estenson as they discussed Carly Fiorina's new found love of puppies and accusing Obama of eating their cousins, the new budget deal, Donald Trump's fitness level, and more!

Direct download: WAE_111815.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm CST

The gang is joined by conservative otter Jeremey Estenson and labor lobbyist Julia Donnelly to tackle several issues including El Donaldo's recent escapades and anti-Muslim comments, a racist ginger chick, and transit in Minnesota.

Direct download: WAE_121115.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm CST

The gang is joined by real life cop and state representative Danny Schoen to discuss the recent protests and unrest in Minneapolis following the fatal shooting of Jamar Clark. Plus, Mike has gone up to the big Tin Whiskers in the sky with Denise Doucheray.

Direct download: WAE_120415.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm CST

Carin, Brian and Javier were joined this week by former Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch and --other than telling each other our weird Thanksgiving rituals-- we pretty much didn't stray from Minneapolis.  Updates on #Justice4Jamar and the #4thPrecinctShutdown, oh and Brian fact-checks Carin's claim that he is a Trump supporter (he is).

Direct download: WAE_11-27.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:35pm CST

Tea party activist and newly Christened junior light-skinned correspondent Walter Hudson joins the gang in-studio to stir the pot on the conversation about the Jamar Clark shooting and subsequent protests at the 4th Precinct and I-94 highway. Plus, they discuss ISIS bombing Paris, Dan Kimmel's stupid tweets, and more.

Direct download: WAE_112015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:39pm CST

The gang is joined by Minnesota's most beloved Republican otter, Jeremy Estenson, as they tackle a variety of topics including the racial discrimination disaster happening over at the University of Missouri, the GOP Debate Clown Car, Yale student's free speech, and the Top 11 Minnesota Online News Sites.

Direct download: WAE_111315.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:36pm CST

Former Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch fills in for Mike to join the gang in a discussion ranging from presidential politics to newly crowned Minnesota House member and pie lover Peggy Flanagan, and everything in between.

Direct download: WAE_110615.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:34pm CST

BOO! The gang gathers their second annual spooky Halloween episode to share the finest expert political analysis from Javier, Brian, a psychic, and a magic eight ball. Their guest, Ruth Lordan, reveals her psychic thoughts on upcoming elections and candidates. The gang also tackles other topics, including the third GOP Debate and the new Speaker.

Direct download: WAE_103015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:17pm CST

The gang is joined by DFL lobbyist and senior light-skinned correspondent Sarah Walker to discuss Washington's new Prom King and Queen. They also talk about some major problems with violence and discipline in St. Paul schools, a major setback for the Working Families Agenda in Minneapolis, and more.

Direct download: WAE_102315.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm CST

Much to the acknowledgment of everyone, Brian and Mike return and they are joined by pandana wearin' anti-Carin, Julia Donnelly, to discuss the first Democratic Debate, the chaos at the DNC, the new sheriff in town in CD2, and some who is not Javier thinks everyone is a racist! 

Direct download: WAE_101615.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:30pm CST

The gang is sad and morose after they lost a hilarious segment on National news, but they pull themselves together with the help of guest otter Jeremy Estenson and real republican Amy Koch to discuss gay Doritos, the Working Families Agenda, and apparently Jordan is a real city -- who knew?

Direct download: WAE_100915.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:12pm CST

This week, with quasi-Republicans Brian and Mike out of town (together), Amy Koch and Jeremy Estenson joined Javier and Carin to talk about the tragic shooting in Oregon and the botched Planned Parenthood witch hunt in Congress. Also: Javier and the Pope’s on again-off again relationship. Minnesota barely kept us awake with REAL ID, the planned Black Lives Matter action at the marathon, and an update from the mancamps.

Direct download: WAE_10-4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:04am CST

The gang mourns the loss of Congress's most persistent Boehner (thanks, Mr. Pope) and discusses man camps, CD2's lack of candidates, and the demise of the Scott Walker presidential campaign. Plus, it turns out Jordan is a real city with an actual city council that Mike is apparently on. Who knew?

Direct download: WAE_092715_fixed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:19pm CST

#72. Clockblocked: The One About Moesha

With Mike Franklin away and thriving, Brian, Carin and Javier were joined by another white guy Republican named Mike, who we promptly renamed. Matt and the gang covered the Big Repubican Debate and whether Carly Fiorina just made sh*t up. Mark thinks Trump could take the whole thing, but the rest of the gang told Millie to just shut up.  In Minnesota news, we all, including Meagan, agreed the racist Columbia Heights school board member is a d-bag who should step down, and we had a #TealGhazi update on the very important issue of exchanging documents in a secluded park.  We tried to convince Moesha to jump into the CD2 race after Mary Pawlenty dropped out.

Direct download: wae20091915.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am CST

The gang embraces #TealGhazi this week as they discuss the recent developments in the story of two Republican legislators caught "exchanging documents" in a parking lot of a local park. They also tackle the Iran deal, Hillary Clinton's apology, panda hatin' zoo keepers, and more.

Direct download: WrongAboutEverything_091215.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:49pm CST

The gang is LIVE at the Great Minnesota Gettogether, and they're joined by a gaggle of guests that includes Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges, DFL party chair Ken Martin, GOP party chair Ketih Downey, and the elusive El Donaldo. They also discuss "exchanging documents," KY clerk Kim Davis, and more.

Direct download: WAE_090415.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:44pm CST

The gang, joined by labor lobbyist Julia Donnelly, takes to the Great Minnesota Gettogether on the second day of the fair to eat cheese curds, search for wine slushies, and talk politics. Inbetween shouting at people passing by the KTLK booth they talk Trump vs. Jorge Ramos/Megyn Kelly/Jeb Bush, the "If Minnetonka Were A Country" statistics, the upcoming Black Lives Matter protest, and more.

Direct download: WAE_082915.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:15pm CST

The gang is joined by Republican otter lobbyist Jeremy Estenson this week as they discuss Minnesota's heartbreak after Red Lake County was dubbed the least beautiful county in the country, the trade mission to Mexico, and remodeling the Capitol. In National news, they take another look at the antics of El Donaldo and his distaste for "anchor babies," Rand Paul heading to Haiti for pro-bono medical work, and more.

Direct download: WrongAboutEverything_082215.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:13am CST

The gang is back together (¡including Javier!) and bemoans the dearth of interesting Minnesota stories to analyze as Minnesota takes its traditional month of August off. As always, we find the local angle...

No shortage of national stories though, as the EPA becomes an environmental scofflaw, Old Glory flies again in la Habaña, and #Carlymania debuts nationally. 

Also, LOTS of Trump. 

Direct download: wae_8_15_15.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 10:04am CST

The gang, joined by DFL lady lawyer Emma Greenman, analyzes the first (and second) GOP presidential debate(s). They reflect on the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, and break down #fishghazi as well as a new PPP Minnesota poll featuring a surprising new independent candidate for President.
Also, resolved: "Brian is a cuckservative." Discuss. 
Direct download: WAE_080815.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 2:18pm CST

DFL lawyer lobbyist Matthew Bergeron joins the gang as they analyze the murder of Cecil, the beloved lion. They also discuss actual news, including Heb's move to the center on climate change, fish-ghazi, and mourn the passing of one of wrestling's finest.

Direct download: WAE_080115.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:13am CST

The gang welcomes panda hatin' Carin Mrotz as the new permanent girl voice on the show. They were also joined by former Senate majority leader Amy Koch to discuss the Planned Parenthood video scandal and more. The gang follows up their discussion on abortion with a much less controversial subject: race. 


Direct download: WAE_072615.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:19pm CST

Republican Jeremy Estenson and DFL Lawyer Emma Greenman pinch hit for Mike and Javier, respectively, who could not be reached for comment on the Iran deal.

They also break down Scott walkers entry into the race for president and Minnesota happenings including lobbyists suing legislators.  

And, Carin Mrotz debuts a new segment called "7 wrong questions" with future legislator Peggy Flanagan (DFL-WhoWantsPie). Enjoy!

Direct download: 7-18_I_ran.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02pm CST

The gang, joined by official anti-panda correspondent Carin Mrotz, discuss the "Trump surge," and analyze the official leftization of Congressman Tom Emmer (DFL-Somalia). Also, WHEN BEARS ATTACK. #FearBears

Direct download: WAE_71115.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 10:39am CST

The gang, joined by panda hatin' social justice worker Carin Mrotz, renews its vows with America and goes way into the weeds of the MN legislative ethics complaints. We also talk Bernie vs. Hillary, the GOP clown car, and local, National, and International sex toy stories. 

Direct download: WAE_070315.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm CST

The gang is joined by panda hatin' social justice activist Carin Mrotz and Republican otter lobbyist Jeremey Estenson to discuss Javier's insane Pride weekend partying following the SCOTUS ruling making same-sex marriage a right nationwide. Plus, the talk Minneapolis' racist lake and Obamacare.

Direct download: WAE_062715.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:13am CST

The gang, joined by panda hatin' Carin Mrotz and former senate majority leader Amy Koch, hash out their thoughts on the Charleston church shooting, a potential senate coup, and Archbishop Neinstedt resigning.

Direct download: WAE_062015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:27am CST

The gang, joined by labor lobbyist Julia Donnelly, dissects the special session and intramural DFL shenanigans. They're also joined by Senior Light-Skinned Correspondant Sarah Walker, who breaks down the Rachel Dolezal episode of "Orange is the New Black."

Direct download: WAE_061415.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:56pm CST

The gang is joined by two liberal ladies, DFL lobbyist and advocate Sarah Walker as well as panda hater and social justice defender Carin Mrotz, to discuss the latest additions to the presidential clown car, auditor Otto, Brian's transformation into the furry lifestyle, and weird field trips.

Direct download: WAE_060615.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:32am CST

Panda hater Carin Mrotz joins the gang this week as they discuss the big MN shutdown showdown, the growing field for the GOP presidential race, Venn diagrams, and the scandal surrounding Dennis Hastert. 

Direct download: WAE_053015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:15am CST

Broadcasting LIVE from Tin Whiskers Brewery, the gang is joined by Senators, Representatives, and other prominent figures in the Twin Cities as they present the "End of Session" awards. Plus, live performances by The Fiscal Notes!

Direct download: WAE_052115.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm CST

An ode to former representative Ryan Winkler, who announced his resignation on May 21st, 2015.

Direct download: FarewellWinkler_FiscalNotes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm CST

The gang is once again joined by panda hater Carin Mrotz as they break down the end of the 2015 legislative session, including how the Republicans seem to be winning everything #CooCooCheeChee. The gang also tries to come up with an answer for Republicans when asked about Iraq. SPOLIER ALERT: we did better than Heb. Plus, MPR reporter Tom Scheck joins the gang live from just outside the house floor to give his analysis on how this session compares to past sessions. 

Direct download: WAE_051715.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:27pm CST

The gang is ditched by Mike Franklin and his replacement, Jeremy Estenson, is just another white Republican guy. Plus, Lady Liberal and panda hater Carin Mrotz joins the conversation as everyone agrees to not mess with Texas, the fishing opener, or Tom Brady's balls. Plus, Ron Erhardt is a turkey hater.

Direct download: WAE_050915.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:30pm CST

The gang, joined by Julia Donnelly, the gang takes on race and the crisis in Baltimore - with only one "Who Wants Pie?" moment! Plus, Brian does an impression of the new president of the Minneapolis Police Federation and we speculate on the GOP Liberty Caucus's impact on the Sunday Sales vote - which we still can't believe we lost.

Direct download: WAE_050115.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:28pm CST

The gang breaks down the apparent tendency for Democrats to govern against the wishes of their base, while Republicans obsess about theirs. The gang also discusses a certain Senior Senator's kerfuffle with an otherwise non controversial bill. Also, spank and thank!


Direct download: part2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm CST

The gang, once again joined by Jewish social justice Carin Mrotz, breaks down the legislative budgeting, addresses the controversy surrounding bathrooms in public schools, discusses an unfortunate comment made about trains to prisons, and why do our tax dollars pay for panda sex?

Direct download: part1_042715.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm CST

The gang analyzes Hillary's connection with "regular Iowans" and Marco Rubio's potential as a GOP candidate. They also break down the burgeoning "frenemy" relationship between the GOP Senate and Obama. And, when is a treaty not a treaty? Also, spank & thank. 

Direct download: WAE_042115_part2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:51pm CST

The gang, bolstered this week by GOP Bowling Scion Amy Koch and DFL Lady Lawyer Emma Greenman, break down the end-of-session dealmaking, including the GOP bills on health care and the DFL senate's approach to Universal Pre-K.  Also, DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT A SENATOR.  Part 1 of 2 shows this week. #Umlauts.

Direct download: HC_041815_part1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm CST

The gang, joined by lady labor lobbyist Julia Donnelly, analyzes the two newest entrants into the presidential race, who are sure to upset the left...and probably the right, too. Plus, they break apart Governor Dayton's State of the State, and have an excellent discussion about why "Indiana" cannot happen in Minnesota.

Also, bull semen.

Direct download: WAE_041115_done.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:53am CST

The gang is LIVE at Maple Lake Bowl, and they are joined by several very special guests, including Congressman Tom Emmer, bowling proprietor Amy Koch, a live audience full of rowdy Twin Cities progressives, and more!

Direct download: WAE_4-4-15_MapleLakeBowl.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm CST

The gang, joined by Liberal Labor Lady Julia Donnelly, breaks down why Javier can't go to Indiana. Ted Cruz's announcement, and the Tip Penal...the Tip Credi...that tip thing, as well as restoring voting to convicted felons.


Read more: http://www.twincitiesnewstalk.com/media/podcast-wrong-about-everything-wrongabouteverything/wrong-about-everything-032815-25925179/#ixzz3VjiyvwFU

Direct download: wae_032815_0_1427572569.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:11pm CST

The gang is joined by DFL Lady Lawyer Emma Greenman as they tackle a myraid of topics including Netanyahu's decision to back away from a two-state solution, the fact that Aaron Schock will apparently be very successful in two years as long as he doesn't end up in jail, Obama suggesting mandatory voting, and more. #nocasualracism

Direct download: WAE_3-22-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:14pm CST

Once again, the gang is joined by Jewish social justice activist Carin Mrotz, and they discuss the issue of 47 GOP senators conducting foreign policy, the Republic of Texas, #BlackLivesMatter, the Greek bailout crisis, and what not to put in your coffee.

Direct download: 3-15-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:07pm CST

The studio is flooded with estrogen as Mike and Javier are joined by Emma Greenman and Amy Koch. They have their first ever civil discussion about education, plus they tackle Hillary's e-mailghazi, Dayton and Bakk bro-hugging it out, Obamacare, and then Minnesotans uncomfortable talk about race.

Direct download: WAE_3-8-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:12pm CST

The gang breaks down the Conservative version of Wrestlemania, and we follow up on Chuy's big day in Chicago. We break down the burgeoning DFL call center scandal (from 2006), talk about how expensive day care is for white people, and remind everyone that Javier is not Mexican. 

Direct download: WAE_3-1-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:57pm CST

The Wrong About Everything crew, joined again by new girl voice Gia Vitali, talks about their love of America and Obamas lack thereof, breaks down the Chicago Mayorial race and bid farewell to #BakkGhazi.

Direct download: 2-22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:05pm CST

The gang, joined this week by new girl voice Gia Vitali, addresses #Bakkghazi, in which the Senate Majority Leader #Bakkstabs Gov. Dayton. In other news (yes, there WAS other news), we're going back to war in Iraq, there is a local angle to the Oregon Governor scandal, and we address income inequality. 

Direct download: 2-15-15_whole_show.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 7:07pm CST

It's raining men... Again. DFL consultant Andrew O'Leary joins the boys this week, filling in the empty fourth chair in the gang's first official A.D. (After Denise) episode. They discuss national and local Minnesota topics, including "anti-vaxers" being wrong about everything, the GOP still not having an Obamacare alternative, the fact that Millennials are ready for Hillary but they have no idea what they're talking about, and more.

Direct download: 2-7-15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm CST

Mike and Brian finally find the time to sit down with two Millennials, democratic strategist Joey Davis and Wrong About Everything's very own Sam Sansevere, to give them a chance to speak out on current issues they and their Snapchatting peers are facing throughout their day-to-day lives in a segment dedicated to their great generation.

Direct download: millenialsegment.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am CST

It's raining men in the Wrong About Everything studios this week. Denise is MIA but democratic strategist Joey Davis fills her chair as the gang dives head first into discussing the Dayton budget, Boehner and McConnell bombing on 60 minutes, and more. Don't miss a major announcement at the end of the episode!

Direct download: 1-31-15_farewelldeniseepisode.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:59pm CST

In this bonus segment of Wrong About Everything, Denise still isn't in studio but Carin Mrotz still definitely is. Sunday sales really suck, hipsters decided that Minnesota is no longer the Midwest, beared people are "lumbersexuals," and more Minnesotan topics ensue.

Direct download: 1-25-2018_part2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am CST

The gang is Denise-less, but is once again joined by straight white lady Carin Mrotz. The discussion focuses mainly on 2016 elections (and the fact that the GOP has approximately one million candidates), but that doesn't stop them from talking about the fact that Tom Brady loves balls, Obama wants to veto everything, and everyone at the State of the Union Address was a jerk but nobody saw it due to record low ratings. 

Direct download: 1-25-2018_fin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:23pm CST

This week, the show is all-white and all-straight for the first time due to the fact that Javier is out of town (probably in Mexico) so the gang is joined by straight white lady Carin Mrotz. They talk about the "craziness narrative" in the GOP, Obama surrendering to France, motorboatin' Mitt, and Brian not wanting to be a sparkly vampire. #TurkFact

Direct download: 1-18-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:26pm CST

The gang discusses republicans taking over in Minnesota house and federal senate, the NYPD work stoppage, and is it true bipartisanship or Brokebakk mountain?

Direct download: WAE_1-11-2015.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:56pm CST

The Millennial Falcon takes over the studio in light of the rest of the gang's absence, and the result is a global Millennial takeover, which apparently just means airing a compilation of Wrong About Everything's greatest inside jokes, funniest moments, and best segments.

Direct download: WAE_1-5-2015_bestof2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:24am CST