Fri, 28 April 2017
The gang is all back together for the first time in a while to discuss Minneapolis politics as well as Amy's drinking problem near sacred grounds. |
Fri, 21 April 2017
House DFL Leader Melissa Hortman, known for her "white male card game" comments during a floor debate, calls in to the Wrong About Everything gang for an exclusive apology. The gang also discusses the anniversary of Prince's death, a dude nobody has ever heard of running for Governor, unicorn frappuccinos, and more! |
Fri, 14 April 2017
The gang is joined by Closing Argument host Walter Hudson (eventually) as they discuss flying the (un)friendly skies with United, Spicey's embarrassing Hitler comments, tensions with Syria, and more. |
Fri, 7 April 2017
In a falcon-filled episode, the gang covers a wide range of topics including white men playing cards, the devastating chemical attack in Syria that led to a US airstrike in the region, and more. |