Wrong About Everything

Amy, Javier, and Carin, are joined by Jason Flohrs of Americans for Prosperity. Starting off with some Minnesota news, Joe Radghazi is back. Throwing gas tax on the fire, in other words there's an argument over some things. And, huge shocker, Joe Biden is running in 2020. 

Direct download: WAE_042619.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:08pm CST

Brian, Amy, and a returning Carin are joined by Twin Cities writer and editor?, Tricia Cornell. The Mueller Report: well that was anticlimactic. Why the timing is terrible with 2020 on the horizon. The ridiculous theories surrounding the cause of the Notre Dame fire and the politicization of the conversation. And naturally, Representative Omar finds herself under the microscope over the whole thing. The incendiary climate of name calling, fueled and encouraged by our own President. 

Direct download: WAE_041819.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:31pm CST

The gang is joined by lady lawyer, Emma Greenman this week. Sometimes in Minnesota, it piss snows in April. Saying goodbye to even more officials leaving us. It's Steve Miller time! The politicization of immigration, is just not right. The disheveled Julian Assange's arrest. Hands Free, welcome to Minnesota. Alexa is watching, and Amy doesn't care. Spank you and thank you, Representative Omar.

Direct download: WAE_041319.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:56pm CST

Javier is joined this week by Mike Franklin, Millennial Republican, Will Dammann and Lady Lawyer, Emma Greenman. In important news, Javier is NOT moving to New Jersey. Or is old. More arguing about the Mueller report and how it will likely mean a 2020 victory for Trump, regardless if anyone likes it or not. We need to talk about Joe Biden and the problem with power. The greater need for a conversation about respect. Can we stop making fun of Mike Pence, no? Ok. After the break, it’s on to arguing about Governor Walz’s gas tax and the Dayton school of negotiating. And again, no, Javier is not moving to New Jersey, right?

Direct download: WAE_040519.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:56pm CST