Sun, 22 February 2015
The Wrong About Everything crew, joined again by new girl voice Gia Vitali, talks about their love of America and Obamas lack thereof, breaks down the Chicago Mayorial race and bid farewell to #BakkGhazi. |
Sun, 15 February 2015
The gang, joined this week by new girl voice Gia Vitali, addresses #Bakkghazi, in which the Senate Majority Leader #Bakkstabs Gov. Dayton. In other news (yes, there WAS other news), we're going back to war in Iraq, there is a local angle to the Oregon Governor scandal, and we address income inequality. |
Sun, 8 February 2015
It's raining men... Again. DFL consultant Andrew O'Leary joins the boys this week, filling in the empty fourth chair in the gang's first official A.D. (After Denise) episode. They discuss national and local Minnesota topics, including "anti-vaxers" being wrong about everything, the GOP still not having an Obamacare alternative, the fact that Millennials are ready for Hillary but they have no idea what they're talking about, and more. |
Wed, 4 February 2015
Mike and Brian finally find the time to sit down with two Millennials, democratic strategist Joey Davis and Wrong About Everything's very own Sam Sansevere, to give them a chance to speak out on current issues they and their Snapchatting peers are facing throughout their day-to-day lives in a segment dedicated to their great generation. |
Sun, 1 February 2015
It's raining men in the Wrong About Everything studios this week. Denise is MIA but democratic strategist Joey Davis fills her chair as the gang dives head first into discussing the Dayton budget, Boehner and McConnell bombing on 60 minutes, and more. Don't miss a major announcement at the end of the episode! |