Wrong About Everything

The gang partakes in beer drinking, gift giving, and mad-libbery in celebration of the inaugural non-demoninational holiday season acknowledgment live broadcast at Tin Whiskers Brewery.

Direct download: WAE_holidayshow2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:33pm CST

As 2014 comes to a close, the gang pays tribute to the end of Michelle Bachmann's reign and says farewell with a moving, heartfelt montage. Plus, Javier confesses his love for Elizabeth Warren shortly after getting stabby over everything that was incorrectly said on last week's podcast. The gang also discusses Minnesota being the 2nd worst state in which to be black, the Senate releasing the CIA's torture report, and more.

Direct download: WAE_12-14-2014.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:40pm CST

The gang, sans Javier but joined by DFL Lobbyist/Activist Sarah Walker, discusses Rand Paul and the Garner decision, Denise having a rough time on Almanac last week, fossil fuels being here to stay, plus Mike and Javier don't know how to clean dishes and Brian didn't even try. #stank

Direct download: 12-07-14_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:25pm CST

The gang gathers at Denise's house to say all that they are spankful for and eat grape salad. They are later joined by two real live Native Americans (one is 7/32nds Native American, but who is counting, anyway?) to discuss the origins of Thanksgiving.

Direct download: Spanksgiving2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:03pm CST

Amy Koch replaces Mike as the funny republican woman this week, and the gang offers guidance on how to speak with your political opposite at Thanksgiving dinner, they discuss immigration overreach, and being a homo-genius.

Direct download: WAE_11-23-2014.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:15pm CST

The gang continues the ongoing story of #pointergateghazi, brings back the popular segment "Republicans Gone Wild," and analyzes the public statements of Obamacare architect MacGruber. 

Direct download: WAE_11-16-2014.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:21pm CST

Its a post-election wrap up edition of Wrong About Everything. We're joined by Tom Scheck for some post-election analysis, we cover the #pointergate scandal at KSTP, which has impacted one of the members directly in the wallet. Which one? Listen and find out!


Read more: http://www.twincitiesnewstalk.com/media/podcast-wrong-about-everything-wrongabouteverything/119-wrong-about-everything-25542882/#ixzz3IczfZqQx

Direct download: WAE_110914_fullshow.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 8:19pm CST

The gang is joined by professional psychic Ruth Lordan and a magic 8 ball to make their election predictions. Plus, Denise is living off of Diet Mt. Dew and Mike is Brian's Angelina Jolie.

Direct download: WAE_10-30-14_electionepisode.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:23pm CST

The gang interviews Star Tribune political reporter Rachel Stassen-Berger, Mike and Denise kiss and make up, and with the elections nine days out there is plenty to talk about. 

Direct download: WrongAboutEverything_102614.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 7:32pm CST

Mike & Brian, Talkin' Movies!  With Erik Stolhanske!

Mike & Brian interview Erik Stolhanske - you may know him as "Rabbit" from Super Troopers!  (and, other stuff.)

Erik is also the Chair of the MN Film and TV Board, and we discussed, among other things, "Snowbate" and its positive effects on MN's economy.  

Truly a classic discussion with an awesome guy! 


Direct download: wrong.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:24pm CST

The gang talks local Minnesota polls, Chris Christie's visit to Minnesota, and they keep the Ebola talk to a minimum. Plus, Denise gets stabby defending teacher's unions.

Direct download: WrongAboutEverything_101914.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:20pm CST

Democrats up a million points, #turdghazi, GOP's women problem, and more.

Direct download: WrongAboutEverything_101214.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 7:22pm CST

In this episode, the gang left the safety of the studio and confiscated all pleated pants from their LIVE audience at the Tin Whiskers Brewing Co. taproom in downtown St. Paul. 

Direct download: WAE_10-5-2014_LIVE_part2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:30am CST

In this episode, the gang left the safety of the studio and confiscated all pleated pants from their LIVE audience at the Tin Whiskers Brewing Co. taproom in downtown St. Paul. 

Direct download: WAE_10-5-2014_LIVE_part1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:35pm CST

The gang discusses marrying outside your political party, Stewart Mills is actually on a boat, Javier isn't Mexican, a dude cut a garage in half, republicans can cook gourmet meals, Tom Barnard and Terri Traen dub Mike a hero, and there's a new Scandal in town - but not the Oliva Pope kind! #IAmARepublican #MNSureDiaries


NEXT WEEK: Wrong About Everything LIVE broadcast at Tin Whiskers Brewing Co. on October 5th at 4:30pm. See you there!

Address: 125 E 9th St, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 

Direct download: WAE_9-28-2014.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 8:00pm CST

Direct download: WAE_92114.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:47pm CST

The gang makes their picks for the first installment of the Fantasy Political Draft, Javier is gifted Patrick's last pair of pleated pants, the first call to our hotline isn't quite what we were hoping for, and Brian captures the essence of why people think Denise is the Sith Lord.

Leave us a voicemail on our hotline at (641) 715-3900, and use the Wrong About Everything code, 432087.

Direct download: WAE_9-14-2014.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 8:23pm CST

WAE fan Eric from Rockford came up with this audio which is perfect in so many ways.  Listen to our new promotional show as he tees up the "Puerto Rican Heat" Javier vs. "Twin Cities Sugar" Brian.  


Remember - no pleated pants. 

Direct download: WAE_-_Sunday.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54am CST

Denise gives campaign advice to a clean-shaven Mike, ISIS is really scary, and Jeff Johnson misses the point on how negotiating works so we get tips from a union thug in pastels. Meanwhile, Michelle Macdonald is learning a lot of laws, and she really likes frogs, too. Remember to subscribe, or we will wear pleated pants! #debateghazi

Leave us a voicemail on our hotline at (641) 715-3900, and use the Wrong About Everything code, 432087.

Coming up next week: Fantasy Political Draft

Direct download: WAE_9-7-2014.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 8:36pm CST

Javier and Mike have a few words with Mayor Betsy Hodges and Senate Candidate Mike McFadden at the Great Minnesota Get-together, and Javier has a run in with The Jeff Johnson. Meanwhile, Obama's taupe suit takes the world by storm and Denise fails at trying to sexually harass Brian. 

Direct download: WAE_8-29-2014.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 7:34pm CST

Denise is back and ready for some action, and after welcoming her back to the studio the gang discusses #Boothgazi at the Great Minnesota Get-Together, Obama golfing, and Ferguson, Missouri.

Direct download: WAE_24-8-2013.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 8:53pm CST

#12 The Denise-free gang is joined by DFL Lobbyist Sarah "Palin" Erickson to discuss primary results and current events.

The Denise-free gang is joined by DFL Lobbyist Sarah "Palin" Erickson to discuss primary results and current events.

Direct download: WAE_8-18-2014.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 7:15pm CST

#11 The gang previews the upcoming Aug. 12 primary elections in Minnesota.  Javier alerts Mike that war has been declared on him, and the gang interviews radio legend Tom Barnard.

The gang previews the upcoming Aug. 12 primary elections in Minnesota.  Javier alerts Mike that war has been declared on him, and the gang interviews radio legend Tom Barnard.  

Direct download: WAE_8-7-2014.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:26pm CST

#10 Hot topics include Jesse Ventura, the Archbishop, GOP Primaries, and ponders their newfound international fanbase, which consists of 3 French people. Hashtag Benghazi.

The gang discusses hot topics including Jesse Ventura, the Arch Bishop, GOP Primaries, and ponders their newfound international fanbase, which consists of 3 French people. Hashtag Benghazi.

Direct download: WAE_832014.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:31pm CST

The gang addresses the catholic church, the NFL, monkeys, the death penalty, and mad libbery.

Direct download: WAE_7.27.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:26pm CST

#8 Hillary, Elizabeth Warren, Kluwe & Aren't Dinosaurs Just Jesus Ponies?

The Gang discusses Hillary, Elizabeth Warren, Kluwe & Observes that Dinosaurs are Jesus Ponies!

Direct download: WrongAboutEverything_Episode8.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:19pm CST

#7 Minnesota Republicans Gone Wild, Bonerific William Harding & much more.

Minnesota Republicans Gone Wild, Bonerific William Harding & much more.

Direct download: 7_10_14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:00pm CST

The Republican Boys crow about denying women contraceptives. And, no, they don't get the irony.

Direct download: 07-06-14_WAE_podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:54am CST

Obama's Lunch at Matt's and Fundraising Tour

Direct download: 06-29-14_WAE_podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:51am CST

Javier reflects on his time in the pokey.

Direct download: 06-22-14_WAE_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48am CST

#3 MN GOP Convention SlapFest 2014 is analyzed

MN GOP Convention SlapFest 2014 is analyzed

Direct download: 06-05-14_WAE_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:47am CST