Wrong About Everything

Baby Javier is kickin' it with the gang as they discuss the Schumer Shutdown Showdown ending with a whimper, Trump apparently trying to fire Mueller, saying farewell to the Matt Dean gubernatorial campaign, and more.

Direct download: WAE_012618.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:39pm CST

With John Stiles filling in for Javier, the gang tackles (ha ha, football puns) a variety of issues including the possibility of a government shutdown, Lindsey Port wanting justice, Jennifer Carnahan wanting commission, and more. Can you Diggs it?!

Direct download: WAE_011918_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:26pm CST

The gang discusses, with overwhelming consensus, Trump's 'sh*thole' comment blunder and what it means on the larger political scale; and the roster of nicknames President Trump has begun to accrue. It seems the issue of sexual harassment in the MN legislature isn't going anywhere anytime soon. 

Direct download: WAE011217.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:53pm CST

The gang talks about just how messed up the White House is right now, Trump vs. Bannon, Al Franken stepping down to make room for Senator Smith, Lt. Gov. Fischbach having all the jobs, Tom Bakk trollin', and more. 

Direct download: WAE_010517_.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:41pm CST