Wrong About Everything

The gang's back together again for the first time in the studio in, awhile. Session and Game of Thrones is over, both endings were disappointing, so now what? In national news, everything is fine, because Trump says so. Are the fringes of both parties just making things more difficult for everyone? And Happy Memorial Day.

Direct download: WAE_052619.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:46pm CST

The highly anticipated, almost lost into oblivion, episode recorded from the Minnesota Capitol is finally here. The gang recorded live last week from the hallowed halls of the state capitol to get interviews with the likes of State Representatives, Nick Zerwas, Brad Tabke, Jim Nash, and Jamie Becker-Finn as well as State Senator Andrew Lang. And that's not to be overshadowed by Javier's exclusive interview with John Stiles, letting us know everything going on with the state AG's office. 

Direct download: WAECapitolFinalMixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:36pm CST

The gang's all here, and just in time to leave for the Governor's fishing opener. Amy Klobo's Fox News town hall, super fair and balanced. A very Minnesota minutiae heavy episode, explains the proper way in which to call bullsh*t. Game of Thrones and Alexa talk. And Republicans like English, so what?

Direct download: WAE_051019.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:06pm CST

Brian, Carin, Amy, Javier, the gang's all here! Also, Javier is no longer a super D. More arguing about Mueller this week. Some arguing about Venezuela, for no reason in particular. Meanwhile in local news, the legislature is coming to a close, Mohamed Noor is found guilty, and it's called Lake Calhoun again? 

Direct download: WAE_050319.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:53pm CST