Wrong About Everything

The gang, joined by labor lobbyist Julia Donnelly, takes to the Great Minnesota Gettogether on the second day of the fair to eat cheese curds, search for wine slushies, and talk politics. Inbetween shouting at people passing by the KTLK booth they talk Trump vs. Jorge Ramos/Megyn Kelly/Jeb Bush, the "If Minnetonka Were A Country" statistics, the upcoming Black Lives Matter protest, and more.

Direct download: WAE_082915.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:15pm CST

The gang is joined by Republican otter lobbyist Jeremy Estenson this week as they discuss Minnesota's heartbreak after Red Lake County was dubbed the least beautiful county in the country, the trade mission to Mexico, and remodeling the Capitol. In National news, they take another look at the antics of El Donaldo and his distaste for "anchor babies," Rand Paul heading to Haiti for pro-bono medical work, and more.

Direct download: WrongAboutEverything_082215.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:13am CST

The gang is back together (¡including Javier!) and bemoans the dearth of interesting Minnesota stories to analyze as Minnesota takes its traditional month of August off. As always, we find the local angle...

No shortage of national stories though, as the EPA becomes an environmental scofflaw, Old Glory flies again in la Habaña, and #Carlymania debuts nationally. 

Also, LOTS of Trump. 

Direct download: wae_8_15_15.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 10:04am CST

The gang, joined by DFL lady lawyer Emma Greenman, analyzes the first (and second) GOP presidential debate(s). They reflect on the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, and break down #fishghazi as well as a new PPP Minnesota poll featuring a surprising new independent candidate for President.
Also, resolved: "Brian is a cuckservative." Discuss. 
Direct download: WAE_080815.mp3
Category:politics -- posted at: 2:18pm CST

DFL lawyer lobbyist Matthew Bergeron joins the gang as they analyze the murder of Cecil, the beloved lion. They also discuss actual news, including Heb's move to the center on climate change, fish-ghazi, and mourn the passing of one of wrestling's finest.

Direct download: WAE_080115.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:13am CST