Wrong About Everything

Amy and Brian couldn’t make it this week, but we bounced high with Otter and Lurch!  We broke news of Trump lying in hypocritical condition at Walter Reed, we discussed Biden and the debates, Trump’s diagnosis, the newest Ilhan omar controversy, and more!  catch our video livestream every friday at 3pm from MBC multicast studio.  
If you need help with a podcast, video, or livestream, message them at info@mbcmulticast.com

or visit their site at mbcmulticast.com

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if you need a place to store your money, join the thousands of Minnesotans who have saved money with less fees and lower loan rates by joining a MN Credit Union.  To learn more:  mncun.org

if you are injured in an accident or due to someone else’s negligence, we strongly recommend looking up the great Michael Bryant at Bradshaw & Bryant:  mnpersonalinjury.com 

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This is a reupload.  Sorry for the glitchy 13 minutes in the last one.  

Direct download: wae_10-2_full_ep_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:20pm CDT