Wrong About Everything

No matter how dark things get, Happy Hour will lift us into the light!   We've got Brian and Javier in studio, with Lauren and Amy joining via Zoom.  We're trying to focus on the uplifting aspects, as well as some practical info from our guests.  

First up is our newest sponsor:  Michael Bryant from Bradshaw & Bryant Law Firm.  

Michael is a friend of the show and we were thrilled to welcome him as a guest and sponsor.  If you need legal help, especially personal injury....there is no one better to seek out than Michael and his team!


We were then joined by attorney K. Davis Senseman, founder of Davis Law Office.  Davis is an expert on all things business with a focus on helping businesses and families through this crisis. 

Again...If you or your business is looking for help in this time Davis has the official WAE seal of approval!


Direct download: WAE_final__mixdown_4.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:55am CST